Rome birthday Circus Maximus Natale di Roma

Rome birthday 2025 MMDCCLXXVIII Dies Romana

Rome birthday. On April 21, 753 BC Romulus is said to have founded the city. With this date the chronology of the city begins and thus in the year 2025 (in Roman numerals MMXXV) we have the year 2778 since the foundation of Rome.

The founding day of Rome is celebrated in a big way. The date was calculated by the astrologer Tarunzio, a friend of Cicero, shortly before the turn of the Christian era. This year’s theme is “Rome City of Fire: The destructive and regenerative power of fire, from devastation to rebirth of the Empire, guarded by the sacred fire of the Vestal Virgins.”

Events for Rome’s birthday

The Gruppo Storico Romano organizes exhibitions, events and a parade every year at the Circus Maximus on the founding day of Rome.  In 2025 the festivities will take place from 18 to 21 April.

Historical groups from around the world take part. In the Maximus Circus there is not only an arena for the plays, but also a large village with Roman and barbarian camps. There are different scenarios from the archaic period to the late imperial period.

There is also a magical night at the Pantheon in a scenic atmosphere.

The grand parade on Easter Monday April 21 will go from Circus Maximus to Piazza Venezia and across the Imperial Forums past the Colosseum to the Circus Maximus. Gruppo Storico Romano on Facebook>

The Castrum

As in the past, the Gruppo Storico Romano builds a Castrum at the Circus Maximus. From April 18 to 21 is the area for demonstrations and the didactic area on civil, military and religious life in ancient Rome. There is also a photographic exhibition of the previous editions of the “Birthday of Rome”.

For children there is a gladiator school.

The program

The theme of the year 2025 is “Rome – City of Fire”. A conference will be dedicated to this theme in the Auditorium of the Ara Pacis, the Altar of Peace of the Emperor Augustus. A camp with exhibitions will also be organized. There will be dances, music and gladiatorial games. The details of the program are not yet known. The following program is therefore based on the events of previous years.

Performances at the Circus Maximus

The participating groups perform each afternoon. There are gladiator fights, ancient dances, theater and re-enactments of historical moments.


Photo exhibition 10 – 18

Information stands on civil, military and religious life, gladiator school for children 10 – 14

Meeting with writers 11 – 14


Photo exhibition 10 – 18

Rome Foundation Festival

Information stands on civil, military and religious life, gladiator school for children 10 – 14

Meeting with writers 11 – 14

15:00 HARPASTUM – Roman soccer

15:00 Qualification gladiator tournament

17:00 Tournament of the gladiator schools

19:00 The Fire of Rome – Projection in the Circo Massimo

Easter Sunday

Dance of the Vestal Virgins Rome

from 14:30 Demonstrations

16:00 Legionum Exhibitio-Signa Inferre

17:30 The Battle of Spartacus

19:00 Philharmonic Orchestra of the City of Rome

20:00 Coronation of the DEA ROMA 2025

Easter Monday

Rome foundation day parade

10:00 Address by the President

10:45 Orazione di Mecenate

11:00 HISTORICAL PROCESSION It goes from Circus Maximus to the Theater of Marcellus – Piazza Venezia – Via dei Fori Imperiali – Via di San Gregorio, and back to Circus Maximus

14:00 Music band of the Italian armed forces

15:00 Tracciato del Solco Re-enactment of the founding of the city with a representation between history and legend in four acts – Circo Massimo

16:50 Palilia Rite Re-enactment by the Vestals of the feast of the Palilia: an ancient agricultural-pastoral festival sacred to Pales, patron deity of the flocks and herds – Circo Massimo

Monday at the Pantheon

19:30 Renewal of the sacred fire – Piazza in Campo Marzio.

20:00 At the Pantheon BENEDICTIO VRBI Historical spectacle for the founding day of Rome

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10 thoughts on “Rome birthday 2025 MMDCCLXXVIII Dies Romana”

  1. Get a flock of geese for the grassy slopes beside the steps to the compidoglio.. the geese saved rome frome the Celts the children will love it and switch of the Trevi fountain in memory of Old Rome now gone… just line the barbatians wrecked the aquaducts before they wrecked Rome

    • The idea with the geese is not a bad one. However, the Trevi Fountain is much younger than the aqueduct, which has still been functioning since ancient times, despite the Celts.

  2. I will be in Rome on April 20th and the 21st 2019.I am interested in viewing a parade.I need help finding time and location of events.

    • Hi Steven, the parade is on Monday 22 but 20 and 21 are several shows at the Circus Maximus. The rite on Sunday 21 at the fori imperiali starting 10 am shall be interesting too.
      Here you find information about April in Rome.

  3. Hello, 2 Qs:
    All dates here are for 2019 right (as I see some of the comments are from 2018..)?
    Also, do you know when are the fireworks show in the Colosseum?
    Thank in advance.

    • Hi Yaron,
      yes, all information is updated to 2019.
      I have no evidence about fireworks at the Colosseum. Fireworks shall be June 29 on the Pincio above Piazza del Popolo.
      On New Years Eve there were fireworks on the Palatine Hill. I took some picture and posted them on our Facebook Page.

  4. Does anybody know how you get to take part in the costumed parade procession ?

    Can you just turn up and join in ?

    Thanks for any help.
